Hubby and I played catch up today. He was out of town some last week and I worked most of the week and then had an out of town friend come and stay with me overnight (fun, fun, fun! stayed up to 2:30 in the morning talking about our lives, drinking wine, talking about writing, drinking wine, talking about writing contest, drinking wine, eating pizza, drinking wine :cheers:) and then I had to get ready for our monthly RWA meeting so I needed today to run errands, read the mail, pay the bills, clean the house, take care of a sick kid (okay, so he is 23. He still needs his mom sometimes).

It felt good to get all that done so I can work tomorrow and not have so much hanging over my head. Plus, I had promised hubby that I would spend time with him today and help him get some things done that only I could do (yeah, right! It’s getting deep in here)

The only bad thing is that I had to give up a Starbucks date today! 😥 I miss those Starbucks dates!

Have missed several Chili dates also! Is everyone as busy as I am? Or is it just me?

I have actually been able to get some writing done today. :typing: Would like to have something to put it on our critique loop this week. If not, then I will shoot for next week.

This entry was posted on Sunday, January 15th, 2006 at 9:04 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “Sunday”

Dennie Says:

Some of us tend to procrastinate and have to stay up late to catelogue (forget trying to spell) the contest entries – but i finished! :coffee:

now I can’t go to sleep :eyes:

Sandy Says:

And you did a great job, too! :banana: Thanks!

Mik Says:

I procrastinate. A lot. I need deadlines dangit! 😉 And HA! You stole my smilie. :cheers:

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